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Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Hand Towel Apron

Yesterday I had a planning meeting for activity days and we decided for one of the activities we will have the girls and their moms make and bring their favorite food along with a recipe to share with the other girls. Then after we were done I headed to Joanns to get some fabric and right before I went in I got a call from the other leader and she had the idea of maybe making aprons that day as well. Sounded good to me. So as soon as I went into Joanns I saw these...

They were $2.50 for 2 towels. I think they are so cute!

Anyways so I made this...

And then I made Cristian put on this girly apron to get a feel for it on a human...

If it wasn't for him all you would get to see it on was a pillar...

So there you have it.. It took me about 15 minutes to make it and that's because I put a pocket on it. With out the pocket it would be a 10 minute project.

My model

So on sunday Courtney wore the skirt I made her to church and she said some girls in young women commented on it. Good comments. ANyway, here is a picture of it on her.

And then the next picture is her new friend gertrude. or Gerty as I call her.

I bought it for $4.00 at a fundraiser and Courtney and her friend Zoey had a ball with her. My kids love to poke her head around a corner when someone is in a room and try to scare them. It is rather creepy. Totally worth the money. Courntey loves doing her hair too.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Twirl Skirts

Courtney has wanted a new skirt for a while now. She likes the ones at Down east Outfitters but they are all a lot of money. We did get her a denim skirt there but now that is the only skirt she has to wear. So I have seen some cute fabric skirts on the internet and decided to try to make one. I am very cheap and didnt want to ruin a big piece of fabric so I first wanted to make one out of my scraps so it turned out like toddler sized. That is the one with the bird on it. Then I attempted another one and it ended up almost my size so I serged some inches off of each size and it now fits her but doesnt look the most professional. I didnt ever take pictures of that one. Then I found a big scrap that I had that I was saving to make something great out of and so it is the bottom skirt that is brown and green. She just might wear it tomorrow. That will be the true test...if my almost teen age(1 more week) daughter will wear the things I make.

Fabric Flower Tutorial

I love it when people make tutorials for things. Don't you?

I spent the last couple days looking at different tutorial on making flowers.

I was trying to find a cute flower idea so I could make some out of my mound of fabric scraps. I saw a few that looked cute but then I decided to just kind of make one up as I went.

Here it is. Will I ever wear these flowers....No, but I will put them on ETsy and hope someday they will sell. You never know some people put the darndest things on their little kids. If I had a little girl I would probably put one of these flowers on a headband and make her wear it. But I don't so I won't.

If you have any great ideas for making something cute and fairly easy out of fabric scraps PLEASE let me know. Because my scraps are taking over my sewing room but I can't throw them away and I am too lazy to put them for sale.

So here is my first attempt at a tutorial.

I don;t enjoy typing or correcting my typing mistakes. SO I thought I would just let the pictures do the talking and not type anything.

Crocheted Things

I kept seeing people wear these cute knit headbands so I decided I wanted to learn how to make some. I knew knitting was harder so I decided to learn how to crochet them.

I made lots of them. My days and nights were over taken with crocheting.

I ended up with one in just about every color yarn available. (not really, but close. I did buy enough colors of yarn that I had to buy a big rubbermaid tote and a cute wickerish basket to hold it all in). I'm obsessive like that.

Then I got tired of making the headbands so I moved onto hats. Here are some of the pictures of the creations.

Forgive me that I am in almost every picture. I tried to have courtney model for my pictures but she was so annoyed with it that she never looked very happy wearing them. How can I put them for sale if my model always looks like she is being held at gun point for the pictures? I can't, so I took matters into my own hands and thus I am now my own model.

Poopy Green Pleated Purse

Well I typed the whole story about this bag but then somehow I deleted it so you get the pictures and no story because I refuse to retype it. Sorry!

MiNi Mommy Baby Doll Set

I have a ton of flannel fabric that just sits so pretty stacked in the closet. I decided it was high time to put it to good use. So as I layed in bed last night I had the idea to make some doll diapers. Then when I started to make the diapers today I had a funny shaped scrap and decided to try to turn it into a purse. Then I made a few bibs and a burp cloth then I still had some of the same print flannel left so I made a blanket. There you have it. Here are the pictures.

I can never just post 1 picture. So be prepared to see a very photo heavy blog.

Whenever I finish making something I take lots of picture just to make sure I get a good one and then I decide which ones are the best to put on my Etsy listing. So be prepared.